Communication Series
Communication is the key to effective collaboration with your stakeholders, colleagues and customers. Blended with psychology framework, Memetics team help your team enhance the communication competency for better performance with our communication training.
Psychology of
The Psychology of Communication:
Application of Psychology for Developing
Positive Relationship
Course Outline
Implicit Need of Communication : The essentials of maintaining a relationship
PAC Model: Understand and fulfill the 3 communication needs of individuals
Complementary Analysis: The strategy of relationship management in workplace
Crossed Analysis: The skill for dealing with difficult situations of communication
(Unreasonable request /emotional counterparts/ interpersonal conflicts)
Course Outline
The Psychology of Persuasion:
Enhancing Your Influencing & Persuading Skills
• Psychology of Persuasion: Enhancing Your influencing & persuading Skills
• The Myth of Influence: The short-cut of making people say yes
• The Principles of Influence: Six principles of influencing skills by Robert Cialdini
• The Speech of Influence: Positive/negative statement for affecting people who have different intentions
• Influencing with “Why" : The power of "Why" by cognitive psychology
• Influencing by One Step Back: The skill of retreating as a tactic to advance
D.I.S.C is Communication –
How to Deal with Different Style of People
Course Outline
The Basics of D.I.S.C.: Understand the origin of D.I.S.C. and its application in workplace
Behavioral Style Scanner: The four dimensions of behavioral style - D(Dominance);I(Influence);S(Steadiness);C(Compliance)
From Person to Person: Understand your interpersonal strength and weakness of behavioral style
The Symphony of a Team: Communicate and collaborate with different types of D.I.S.C
Perfect Match: Work with different behavioral style for synergy